Rocky Road and Flamingo Abuse

After exploring the initial rock discovery location with Renna, we collected several more uncut specimens which I sent away for analysis and cutting.  In total we scooped three blue Tanzanites and one yellow diamond – the valuation was adequate and they were promptly sold.  The money will be used to shore up our perilous finances while we hunt for the lost mine and other locations which we recently researched.  (In between sucking up to the useless boss, since I believe that I am being passed over unfairly for a promotion due to accidentally breaking his Ghostbusters mug last week.  Fool.)

Rocky wealth just at the back of our own home!

Rocky wealth just at the back of our own home!

After work we spent the evening on the outskirts of town, snooping around a mosquito ridden shack where we found a couple of other samples.  We didn’t get very far however, since we were forced to stop and rest while Renna complained about her feet.  If she will wear stupid heels while out hunting for minerals it serves her right, no matter how good the boots look on her. And I told her as much.

Yes, I couldn't give two fucks about your needs if you wear inappropriate (albeit sexy) footwear

Yes, I couldn't give two fucks about your needs if you wear inappropriate (albeit sexy) footwear

I ignored her and caught up on my evil comic book reading while she sat and fumed.  Renna eventually calmed down after she sulked off and destroyed some property, so we were able to gather several more interesting rocks, though we were chased off by the irate owner of the Flamingo which Renna had vandalised.  I would have caught an arse full of buckshot if I hadn’t run as fast as I did.  Interestingly, Renna ran faster than me, despite her aching feet and stupid boots.  Irksome woman.  *note to self…dip all tampons in the house in white pepper*

Sulky wench

Sulky wench

Flamingo abuse rampage

Flamingo abuse rampage

Still, something good came from the evening.  Our initial explorations and discoveries have been such that we can afford to move to a more agreeable location not far from the Mosquito pit place.  It is still small and hovel-like but at least we are closer to the fringe of town and away from do-gooding prying eyes.  We are also closer to work which is good because I refuse to car pool with my work colleagues any longer…Cindy’s putrid Yellow Magic Tree has caused me to vomit on more than one occasion, much to everyone’s merriment.  Oh how you will all suffer when my house of evil is finally constructed.

New temporary hovel

New temporary hovel

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Filed Under: Diary of an Evil Sim

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