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Manual Override

Manual Override

I thought that perhaps throwing this into the wider pool of opinion would yield interesting results because I don’t wish to make a general statement about gender on the issue, however, I have noticed a trend when it comes to that oft overlooked part of gaming…the manual.  Whether it is directly related to the part [...]

Reaver: Anti Hero and Cad

Reaver: Anti Hero and Cad

I feel that I’d better start this post with a spoiler warning for those who haven’t yet played or made their way to the furthest reaches of Fable 2.  While I have tried to word things carefully, such a piece was not possible without a degree of spoilerific wordiness, so my apologies, you have been warned.

Having [...]

It’s a Classic…

It’s a Classic…

Mark Twain once wrote “A classic is something that everybody wants to have read and nobody wants to read.”  I know because I once saw it quoted on a Waterstones carrier bag.  This can also be true in part, of games – or at least for me.  Those who devour each and every popular release [...]