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Diary of an Evil Sim…It Begins

Diary of an Evil Sim…It Begins

Well.  This is it, is it?  Hmm?  After hours of tugging, tweaking, and generally obscene prodding THIS is the best that my cack-handed Creatorix could come up with?  My eyes…well, they are fetchingly evil, I give her that and my chin is suitably strong without being of ‘modern Threepwood-esque’ proportions.  But the nose…really?  Attacked by [...]

Preview: EyePet

Preview: EyePet

After prowling the hall at Edinburgh Interactive 2009, all other games swiftly melted from my mind when I looked up at the stage and saw a strange creature bouncing happily on a trampoline.  It was an EyePet.  Like a moth to a flame, I was immediately drawn in, curious as to what it actually was [...]

Reaver: Anti Hero and Cad

Reaver: Anti Hero and Cad

I feel that I’d better start this post with a spoiler warning for those who haven’t yet played or made their way to the furthest reaches of Fable 2.  While I have tried to word things carefully, such a piece was not possible without a degree of spoilerific wordiness, so my apologies, you have been warned.

Having [...]