RSSAll Entries Tagged With: "Evil Sim Diaries"

Diary of an Evil Sim…It Begins

Diary of an Evil Sim…It Begins

Well.  This is it, is it?  Hmm?  After hours of tugging, tweaking, and generally obscene prodding THIS is the best that my cack-handed Creatorix could come up with?  My eyes…well, they are fetchingly evil, I give her that and my chin is suitably strong without being of ‘modern Threepwood-esque’ proportions.  But the nose…really?  Attacked by [...]

The Damned Elusive Sim-Panel

The Damned Elusive Sim-Panel

Another round of wrestling with the Sims 3 launcher had me spitting venom recently; just the sheer number of hours that I have spent just trying to patch the game and trawling the internet to see if anyone shares my woes is ridiculous.  Given the time that has elapsed since I last tried to patch [...]