RSSAuthor Archive for sketch

Trash and Burn?

After stumbling across an intruiging sounding game called ‘Prison Tycoon 3′, I was amazed that there was such a tycoon game and that it had actually manage to spawn two sequels.  An idea began forming about having a serial feature section where I focus on an obscure or dodgy title (largely PC based, I suspect).  The game [...]

It’s Not Me…It’s You

It’s Not Me…It’s You

Somewhere, somehow, I fell out of love and I don’t remember when. From an early age I championed Nintendo’s ugly grey boxes over the shinier, more exciting looking Segas, and on to shunning Playstation for the N64 and Gamecube…and it kind of stopped there.  I suddenly realised that my Nintendos and I don’t actually spend as [...]

Mods are rocking

Mods are rocking

With Sims 3 being my latest PC interest (and my only one at this current time until the dregs of my gaming apathy are kicked out for good), and wishing to have more than the generic slightly bubblegum content that has been made available, I went on the hunt for other options.  Namely mods, created [...]

Paradise Lost

Paradise Lost

I’m Elite apparently.  Not in any Heathers sort of sense, but because Criterion say so and after screeching around the streets of Paradise City in Burnout Paradise for months, I finally feel that I’ve earned it.

Ever since having my interest piqued at the Ready Up World record attempt back in April, I’ve sunk my time [...]

Diary of an Evil Sim…It Begins

Diary of an Evil Sim…It Begins

Well.  This is it, is it?  Hmm?  After hours of tugging, tweaking, and generally obscene prodding THIS is the best that my cack-handed Creatorix could come up with?  My eyes…well, they are fetchingly evil, I give her that and my chin is suitably strong without being of ‘modern Threepwood-esque’ proportions.  But the nose…really?  Attacked by [...]

The Damned Elusive Sim-Panel

The Damned Elusive Sim-Panel

Another round of wrestling with the Sims 3 launcher had me spitting venom recently; just the sheer number of hours that I have spent just trying to patch the game and trawling the internet to see if anyone shares my woes is ridiculous.  Given the time that has elapsed since I last tried to patch [...]

Sims 3 hates me…

Sims 3 hates me…

After struggling with this wretched game for what seems an age, I am about ready to give up on the whole fucking thing and run screaming back to the familiar embrace of Sims 2.  Putting aside my loathing of the new and more complicated way of doing…well, everything, it has been patches and updates which [...]


After much faffing and general procrastination, (mostly involving watching my screensaver), I have finally grabbed a piece of the internet and spread a (carefully chosen) blanket to park my gaming writing on.
Intended as a personal gaming writing site, rather than an up to the minute melting pot of red-hot news and reviews with a dozen [...]

Preview: EyePet

Preview: EyePet

After prowling the hall at Edinburgh Interactive 2009, all other games swiftly melted from my mind when I looked up at the stage and saw a strange creature bouncing happily on a trampoline.  It was an EyePet.  Like a moth to a flame, I was immediately drawn in, curious as to what it actually was [...]

Lament of an Apathetic Gamer

Lament of an Apathetic Gamer

Such has been my crushing gaming apathy of late that even my desire to write about it has fallen beneath the slush of ‘meh’.  A crippling syndrome which has dogged most of my gaming life since the middle of the SNES era has once more returned with a vengeance.  Apathy.  I just can’t be bothered [...]